How do I Add or Delete a Horse?

1. Adding a Horse

  1. Click on the "My horse" tab in the bottom bar
  2. Then click on the white horse head button at the top right to get to the list of your horses.
  3. Then click on the "Add a horse" button if you have an Android phone or on the "+" button on the top right if you have an iPhone
  4. Add the information about your horse and click on "save". 

2. To delete a horse

  1. Click on the "My horse" tab in the bottom bar
  2. Click on the white button in the shape of a horse's head in the upper right corner to select the horse in question.
  3. Then click on "View profile" under the name of your horse
  4. Go to the "Parameters" tab
  5. Click on "Delete"

By deleting a horse, you also permanently and irreversibly delete all sessions associated with that horse.

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