Sharing a Horse

What is the feature Sharing a Horse?

In the Equisense App, you can share your horse with other people: friends, your trainer, another rider, your vet, professional riders etc.

By sharing a horse, several people can access the horse's profile via their own account to see the horse's sessions, create new sessions, add comments and more.

How do I share my horse? πŸ“²

Open the Equisense App and click on "My Horses" if you are not already on your horse's profile. You can change your horse by clicking on the button on the top right corner of your screen. Once you are on the right horse profile, click on "View Profile" below the name of the horse (on the picture of the horse). Then click on "Share".

  1. By clicking on "Share", you will find a list of the people with whom you have already shared a horse. If you share a horse for the first time, this list is still empty. If you wish to share a horse, simply click on "Share My Horse".
  2. Insert the name of the person you want to share your horse with. A sharing link will be generated.
  3. Click on "Send Invitation".
  4. Choose how you want to share the link: via text, via messenger, via email etc. There is a whole list of options from which you can choose!
  5. The person receiving the link has 7 days to click on the link and accept the invitation.
In case the sharing does not work by clicking on the button, go to the "parameters" of the app and "Horse sharing link". Paste the link you received here (only the link, not the text around) and validate. Here you go!

How do I see if the horse has been shared with me? πŸ“²

If the horse does not belong to you, but you simply share it you can go to the list of your horses to see whether the horse has been correctly shared with you. There you can find a tab "Horses shared with me". You should find the name of the shared horse there.

If you are the horse owner (the person who has created the horse profile in the app), you can check at any time with whom you share your horse. You can find the list of people who accepted your invitation in the tab "Share" where you created the link at the beginning.

Important Information πŸ’‘

For each person you want to share your horse with a new and unique link has to be generated. For security reasons, this link expires after 7 days if is it has not been used. This means that if a person opens a link which has already been used by somebody else, an error will occur saying "link expired".

The link does not work if the person connects to the same account as you; This means that it is not possible to use the link with the account which created it.

In the case that you were using one account for two people, one of you can now create his or her own account and you can simply share your horse among you.

Note: If you receive a sharing request via messenger or instagram, simply copy the link and paste it in the Equisense app: Go to "Settings" and "Horse Sharing Link". Paste the link here (only the link, not the text) and click on "Validate". Due to an issue from facebook, you cannot accept the request by clicking on the link even though the message says so.
Special iOS 12: If you choose to open the link with Safari, an error page opens. In order to go to the app, scroll to the top of the page, click on the banner and select "Open in the Equisense App".

Multiple Sharing

You can share your horse with several people. Just make sure to send a unique link to each person. One link can only be used by one single person.

Modification Rights

The owner of the horse (the person who created the horse) is the only one who can modify all the sessions and information. The tenants (the people with whom a horse has been shared) can only edit their own sessions.

How do I Stop the Sharing?

Regardless of whether you are the owner or tenant, you always have the possibility to stop the sharing. By stopping the sharing, the horse and all its sessions disappear from the tenant's timeline.

Follow-up and History

This first version of the sharing consists of a classical follow-up:

  • Once the horse shared, all data (old and new) will be accessible.
  • It is not possible to filter the sessions according to the rider. The follow-up is displayed by horse.

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