What are the differences between Motion and Motion Sport ?

Differences in calculated measures and indicators

App only


Motion S

Locomotion Analysis
- Time at each gait
- Time at each lead
- Number of transitions
- Rhythm
- Regularity of the rhythm
- Elevation
- Symmetry

Jumping Analysis
- Number of jumps
- Jumping course analysis

- Hack tracking
- Speed
- Positive elevation

Physical Condition Analysis
- Heart Rate per gait
- Time spent in each effort zone
- Recovery time
- Calories spent

Non compatible





*The Motion One is priced at 249€. The price of the Motion Second Life may vary.

The differences in the hardware and compatibilities


Motion S

Simple Attachment

Included with purchase

👍 Compatible

But does not allow the analysis of the physical condition (heart-rate)

Heart-rate attachment + High electrode

Included with purchase

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