Left/Right Rein Ratio
How does my Motion determine whether I am at the right or left rein?
The time spent with each hand allows you to see if the distribution between left and right hand work is identical (50% / 50%) or not. It also gives an idea of the time spent in a straight line vs. the time spent in curves.

How is the left hand/right hand ratio calculated?
To know which lead you are on, Equisense Motion looks at how the horse turns around its vertical axis. It detects 3 states: left hand turn, straight ahead, right hand turn. The straight lines are then reassigned to a hand based on the curve that precedes, and the curve that follows.
If the two curves are in the same hand, then the straight line will be assigned to that hand as well. If the two curves are in different hands, the straight line will be cut in half, and assigned half to one hand and half to the other!
In outdoor (hacking), it can be normal to have very unbalanced left hand / right hand distributions. This is linked to the fact that we spend a lot of time in a straight line, and that only the changes of path count as curves. However, when you make a loop to come back to the starting point, you often turn with the same hand. So don't panic :)
Why is the rein ratio important for me?
Knowing how much time you spent on each rein enables you to see if the work distribution between left and right rein is identical (50% / 50%) or not. It also allows you to get an idea on how much time you spent on a straight line versus the time spent in a curved line.
When we are riding, we often have the impression that we are working symmetrically even though this is not necessarily the case!
We all prefer one rein to the other, and we have the tendency to spend more time on it, or on the contrary, we spend too much time on the rein we have difficulties on. This can not only lead to a lot of stress, but also to early fatigue, and cause muscular asymmetry over time.
In tmost cases, the rider will try to balance the work as much as possible and will attempt to be as close to 50/50 as possible, and at each gait. But it’s not always easy!
A little clarification: In some cases, especially if a horse has particular locomotive problems, it is advised to work on a specific rein longer than the other. The Equisense App enables you to make sure you respect the recommendations of your veterinarian, coach, or osteopath