All Categories > Account and Settings
4 articles
You have the possibility to modify your bank information that you used for your purchase. We even recommend you doing this before your credit card is no longer valid. In order to do so, just contact…
Updated 4 years ago
You have a typo in your email address or you just want to change it for whatever reason? No problem. Just connect to the app on your smartphone as usual. Go to "settings" and to "my account". . Simpl…
Updated 6 years ago
According to European law, you have the right to ask the status of information we have about you. We are obliged to share the data we have about you with you. You can even ask us to delete this data.…
You cannot remember your password and every time you try to log in, an error message appears? Make sure that you use the right email address. If you want to reset your password, simply click on " for…
Updated 7 years ago
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